These are mostly from LIN 101 and LIN 110, but some of my other classes get boring.
bunny that crossed the stream to avoid a raincloud only to discover in the process that the raincloud had drifted
bunny slightly surprised at the temperature of the water in which he dipped his foot
dinosaur hiding, watching you
oh and by the way, my name is stephen eggers.
I am a critically-acclaimed philosopher, known throughout the world thanks to my theories of creation.
if you would like to email me, you may do that. the correct address to reach me at is stephen [at] softporcupine [dot] com. the reason why I didn't put in the "at sign" and a "period" is to trick the robots.
also, here is a picture of my cat:
maybe now you're thinking: "oh just another oddball who has a website full of pictures of his cat! hmmph!"
but do not worry I will not post another picture of my cat.